Norton meets Harmon but deadlock continues over Opposition Leader

Discussions on Monday between newly-elected PNCR Leader Aubrey Norton and Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon about who should hold the posts of Opposition Leader and Representative of the APNU+AFC List ended in stalemate and further deliberations are to be held, sources close to both sides say. 

One source said that Harmon “may consider resigning in a tradeoff where Norton still would not be Opposition Leader”. It is unclear what proposals would lead to such a decision by Harmon who has up to recently held firm to the view that the PNCR membership does not control the post of Opposition Leader and that he was placed there by 2020 General Elections voters who had confidence in the APNU+AFC coalition to lead for a five-year period.  The PNCR is the main component of APNU.

In that plan, according to the source, are “the machinations to frustrate and weaken Mr. Norton because there is still one more Congress before the next General Elections and if he is weakened over this two-year period” he would be vulnerable.