Article 13 expresses concern over online attacks on Yog Mahadeo

Yog Mahadeo

Civil society group Article 13 yesterday expressed concern over sustained online attacks on one of its prominent members, Yog Mahadeo.

Article 13, which was formed last year and has taken up various public interest causes, said that the objectives of the Group have been publicised and reiterated and clearly demonstrate that it has no political agenda.

 ”Article 13 is open to all Guyanese to become members or supporters, of whatever political affiliation or leaning. This makes the targeting of Yog so unacceptable and raises the question whether he is being treated as a surrogate or as a `ringleader’ who must not be free to have any independent thought or conscience; or to hold, impart, express and receive ideas and opinions; or to associate with other persons, including the right `to form or belong to political parties, or other associations’; or to participate through civic organisations in the management and decision-making processes of the State”, a statement from the group said.