Vaccines, outreach and drugs among priorities under $6.8 billion allocation for COVID response – Anthony

With $6.8 billion to be allocated for Guyana’s COVID-19 response in this year’s proposed national budget, the Minister of Health Dr. Frank Anthony has said the funds are expected to be used for procurement of vaccines, support for outreach programmes and drugs for treatment, among other things.

During his daily COVID-19 update on Thursday, Anthony detailed some of the priority spending areas, and he noted that the ministry is expecting that it would be able to access vaccines for children between the ages of 5 and 11.

Further, he stated that Pfizer is also expected to submit the relevant information to the United States Food and Drug Administration in relation to vaccines for children 6 months to 5 years old. And if it is made available this year, he added, authorities here would like to have it here and as a result resources have been set aside to facilitate a purchase.