Cost-of-living politics – and war

Searching for positives

I share most brief – albeit troubled – thoughts in a short column today.

Take first the issue of war in my lead caption. What’s happening in the besieged neighbouring state to the Russian Republic – Ukraine – brought back to me similar images as when the USA mounted invasions and/or “rescues” in Kuwait and Iraq in very recent history. And there have been other inter-state war-like conflicts over the past two decades.

Those interested may easily peruse the various dictionary definitions for the term “war”. War-monger Putin is describing his brutal invasion and possible occupation of the peaceful non-provocative neighbour Ukraine as a “special military operation”. Indeed the very first Russian incursions into the neighbouring sovereign state, prelude to the current bombs-laden wholesale invasion, was really no war. When obvious patriotic defensive resistance swiftly started, then was a war begun.