SASOD, Human Dignity Trust finalising analysis of 2021 report on hate crimes

Two NGOs have collaborated to analyze the prevalence of hate crimes in Guyana with a view to helping to protect those persons and groups that suffer from these crimes.

In a release yesterday SASOD Guyana disclosed that along with Human Dignity Trust (HDT) – a UK-based organisation working to challenge laws that persecute people on the basis of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity – it has embarked on a process to examine the occurrence of hate crimes in Guyana.

The release stated that in early 2021, the two organisations commissioned a report titled, “A Situational Analysis on Hate Crimes in Guyana” which was conducted by Guyanese researcher Pere DeRoy, a social scientist and doctoral candidate at the University of Kansas in the USA, to document the nature and extent of hate crimes based on prejudices related to race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality in Guyana.