Vigilance cop dies in accident

Kwame Kellman

Police Sergeant Kwame Kellman, 34,  died as a result of a fatal incident which occurred about 23:55 hours last night on the Lusignan Public Road.

Police reports say the sergeant  of Lot 40 Vigilance, ECD and stationed at the Grove Police Station was driving motorcar #  PYY 3730 east on the northern drive lane of the northern carriageway when he  lost control of his motorcar and ran into a shop which is situated on the northern parapet of Lusignan Public Road.

The impact of the collision caused him to suffer injuries about his body. Public-spirited citizens went to his rescue and took him out of the motorcar but by then he had succumbed to his injuries and was so pronounced by Doctor Sampson of the Georgetown Public Hospital at the  scene of the incident, the police said.

His body was transported to Jerrick’s Funeral Home where it awaits a post-mortem examination.