S&R Catering: New Amsterdam snackette rising from COVID-19 doldrums

Team Lambert: Ryan, Sharyan, Sheeana and team leader Sheenata

The word on the street is that the local catering industry has actually grown during the protracted period of the COVID-19 malady, as individuals and families relied more heavily on ‘ordered in’ cuisine for modest, home-based hangouts rather than either abandon their old habits or risk reckless exposure to larger public gatherings. Sheeanta Lambert, the proprietrix of S & R Catering and Produce, Lot 56 ‘A’ Nurseville, New Amsterdam, Berbice, confirms that that she has been taking advantage of that window of opportunity.

Sheeanta’s and her husband Ryan’s understanding of the strictures that have been placed on the catering sector on account of the advent of the COVID-19, is reflected in her culinary shift towards offering her cuisine that is not only pleasing but responsive to what is now a more widespread understanding of healthy foods.