Young Bill Rogers, Ryan Adams drop ‘Family’ song and video

Ryan Adams

Roger ‘Young Bill Rogers’ Hinds and Ryan Adams have teamed up to record the single “Family” and they dropped both the song and video last week; the latter has since garnered over 10,000 views.

The Chutney and Soca fusion song with a Bollywood flair encourages listeners to love their family and be grateful for the sacrifices they’ve made for them. It further admonishes people not to use violence and instead realise that tomorrow is promised to no one and as such, it is important to spread love and let loved ones know they are appreciated.

“Family” was lyrically composed by Young Bill Rogers, Ryan and Nishal Balkissoon (‘Nishal B’). The video was also produced by Nishal B, while the song was recorded and produced by Bunty Singh’s BK Vijay Studio.