Lima Sands residents getting improved road after four years of requests

The road under construction

Residents living in Lima Sands in Region Two have expressed satisfaction that their road is finally undergoing rehabilitation after making such requests for the past four years. They explained that numerous times, at meetings after meetings, they have raised the issue of the need for the road to be rehabilitated.

 The road is used to access nature resorts in the area.

During Vice-President Bharrat Jagdeo’s recent visit to Region Two, the residents had voiced their concern at a public meeting. Representing the area was former Toshao of Mainstay, Joel Federicks, who told Jagdeo that the road is deteriorating and the last remedial works were conducted during his presidency. Jagdeo in response, promised to look into the matter while informing the gathering that the Regional Administration has received $1billion to boost infrastructure – particularly roads – in the region.