Crane teacher’s murder leaves family, community stunned

Clarence Farley and Omega Ault

 Family members of Omega Ault, the teacher whose decomposed body was discovered in her Crane, West Coast Demerara (WCD) home on Friday, are struggling to come to grips with her gruesome death and they said they were not aware of her having any problems with her husband of more than 15 years.

“She is very quiet. Very, very quiet. She don’t disclose her problem to anybody…She never tell me nothing. She never give we a sign that she had problem or whatever it is. She never, never disclose that…Everybody is so shock that this happen because my brother-in-law was such a loving person but after what happen like we can’t even get a grip up to now,” Tracy Ault, one of the dead woman’s sisters, told Sunday Stabroek on Saturday.