Young mother thanks Suddie Hospital staff for saving her life

An eighteen-year-old who suffered a cardiac arrest four hours after she delivered her first child at the Suddie Public Hospital in Region Two has been loud in praise of the doctors and nurses for saving her life.

Karishma Mangal of Charity Squatting area, Region Two was admitted to the Suddie Public Hospital on May, 10 2022 after suffering from an eclampsia-related seizure. Eclampsia is a pregnancy-related condition where high blood pressure results in seizures during pregnancy.  According to Dr. Abel Caesar, Obstetrician and Gynecologist attached to the Suddie Public Hospital, Mangal’s case was rare; Dr. Caesar also said that Mangal was 33 weeks pregnant upon her admission.  An emergency caesarean surgery was conducted and Mangal delivered a 2.4 kg baby boy, but four hours after the surgery, Mangal had to be rushed into the Intensive Care Unit after suffering a cardiac arrest.