Oil-wealth? Monitoring the trickle-down

-Light Americana-trivia

Just a “heads-up” to my weekly regulars and all others – that today’s offering will be pure brevity. Part of the reason is that it’s being hurriedly composed in New York, NY, USA where I find myself on a sudden emergency mission.

And guess what? Today I might just come off as “pro PNC”. Ho-Ho-Ho (funny how in today’s world of electronic/technological communication distance is now merely physical.)

Whether Oil-Rich or Oil-Wealth, Guyana has been identified (along with Surinam?) as being the new oil-mine for two or three decades to come. Who could predict that “rich”, and “wealth” would be descriptions to be attributed to our less-than-a million nation? Even Qatar, Dubai and the other oily emirates have more persons in their territories.