Petra/ExxonMobil U14 football starts Saturday

Petra Organization Co-Director Troy Mendonca (left) collecting the sponsorship cheque from ExxonMobil Community Relations Advisor Ryan Hoppie. Also in the photo (back row from left) GFF Assistant Technical Director Bryan Joseph, Assistant Director of Sports Melissa Dow-Richardson, NSC Chairman Kashif Muhammad, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Charles Ramson, Dr Olatto Sam, Education Specialist in the office of the Minister of Education, and Petra Organization Senior member Jacklyn Boodie

The Petra Organization officially launched the 2022 ExxonMobil U14 football championship Tuesday at the Cara Lodge Hotel, Quamina Street.

The event will be a round robin affair in both the boys and girls categories.

The boy’s division will feature 24 schools, with teams divided into six groups of four while the eight team Girl’s section will feature two groups of four.