GAPLF appeals to potential sponsors to send team to the FESUPO Classic Power-lifting Championship in Brazil…

The Guyana Amateur Powerlifting Federation (GAPLF) is preparing to field a team to the 36th annual FESUPO Classic and Equipped Power-lifting and Bench Press Championship scheduled for  September 6-11 in Santa Caterina, Brazil. 

According to a release, Team Guyana will be selected from 26 shortlisted athletes comprising the preliminary nominations. The shortlist features a contingent of young athletes, which includes first-timers Keisha Abrigo and Shelly Gomes. Among the seniors are Bjorn Williams, Wasim Mohamed, and Romario Gonsalves to name a few.  The release stated that Guyana’s preparation was initially toward the IPF/NAPF Regional Powerlifting Championships scheduled for the period August 14-20 in Panama City, Panama.