Reputation management in a digital world

By Tessa Drayton

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it” – Warren Buffet.

In this the age of digitization, it takes mere seconds to bring one’s reputation into disrepair. Posted Content can instantly go viral, remain in cyberspace and be revisited. Idle minds can do with that information as they please.

We live in disruptive times, in an age where information is more accessible and transparent. From Covid-19 to war, to economic downturn, to entertainers subtly highlighting a company’s flawsthrough memes and parodies. Whatever the issue, digital media has created a way for people to communicate and share life stories with each other, and in some instances, mismanaged information that may escalate into a crisis. It is evident that the advancement of social media has left individuals and companies vulnerable to negative publicity, which brings with it several risks to organizations; decreased sales and profitability, high staff turnover, churning of customers, and an overall threat to their reputation.