Works Ministry  acquires Cold Milling Machine for road repairs

The cold milling machine (Ministry of Public Works photo)

Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill yesterday morning launched Government’s latest acquisition for the Ministry, a Cold Milling Machine.

A release from the ministry said that machine is used to remove layers of asphaltic surface and will aid in the Ministry executing its road upgrade and rehabilitation in a speedier manner.

The Minister said before the machine was purchased, the ministry would pay about US$12 a square meter from private suppliers, hence the decision to get a cold milling machine for the ministry.

Edghill said after going to procurement, the company, Farm Supplies, won the bid to provide the machine.


The minister said that as Government builds roads, those roads would require maintenance after some time. “So, the greater number of roads you build you have to also develop your capacity to maintain those roads.”

In handing over the machine to the Ministry’s Special Projects Unit, the Minister urged the utmost care. “Make sure that our operators operate in the confines of the manuals and that we get the best out of this”, he said.