‘It’s hard to save others if you are drowning’

‘If you are drowning then you can’t help nobody around you. You can’t even help yourself.’

“I had just given up and figure that was my lot in life. It was not a lot I had envisioned growing up but then I said that so be it. I was getting tired and wondering how much more I could take. But then it just happened. I found someone or he found me and I got married and it was like another opportunity to live, to breathe,” she said with a slight smile.

This sister got married in her late thirties and for her it was more of escaping her present circumstances than love courtship.

“Don’t get me wrong, I love my husband but when he first show interest I was not interested because I said to myself that once he finds out all he would just turn and walk. So I was giving him a hard time at first but the man saw me and was ready for a wife,” she said laughing.