CT scans at GPHC will be free from November 1st

GPHC (DPI pic)

The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) today said that it will no longer be charging for any CT scans performed.

The Chief Executive Officer (ag), Robbie Rambarran made this announcement after meeting with the Board of Directors yesterday. This change in policy will take effect beginning on 1st of November, 2022, a release from the hospital said today.

“The cost of a scan varies and the hospital’s management realized what a heavy financial strain patients may be burdened with. This will translate to patients saving as much as from $15,000 to $52,000 for a computerized tomography (CT) scan. Also, it will assist in expediting the treatment and care of the patient.

“Patients will no longer have to worry about arranging financial transaction in order to foot the bill. So this move will eliminate any financial difficulty. Management is cognizant of the cost of living and do empathize with anyone suffering from any illness”, the release added.