A Pre-Holiday Taste

Tea Bread – Banana, Rum Fruits & Nuts (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

Holidays and all that is associated with them – food, drinks, gifts, decorating – eventually get to you sooner than you think, regardless of how much you try to resist them. No matter how tired or busy you are, eventually you get around to doing something in the spirit of the season. Oh, and then there are those people who love Christmas so much that by the end of September, it is all they can talk about – making lists, sharing decoration ideas and potential recipes for the big meal. I am not one of those people. However, last week, with quickly ripening bananas, I tried something that I think you will like, giving you a pre-holiday taste that works perfectly as a tea bread/loaf.

I love quick breads because they are very easy and simple to put together and as the name suggests – it’s always quick. Therefore, having people over at short notice is never really a problem. Quick breads can be sweet or savoury.