Citing rising production cost, gold miners to seek additional benefits

A section of the gathering at GGDMA’s 38th annual general meeting

While lauding its collaborative efforts with government in securing benefits for miners, including tax incentives for the industry, the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA) says that there are other issues affecting the industry which must be addressed such as the rising cost of production.

This is according to a press release yesterday from the GGDMA which said that it continues to lobby for additional benefits for the growing sector which is still beset by the rising cost of production, the lack of adequate infrastructure, labour shortages, and ongoing efforts to find a concrete solution which would allow the industry to transition to mercury-free mining.

According to the release, GGDMA’s President Andron Alphonso, said at the union’s recently- held 38th annual general meeting that a mandate was requested by the executives, and subsequently granted by the membership present, to allow for a review of the organisation’s original charter and to subsequently propose necessary changes in keeping with the current needs of the sector.