Embrace passion, consistency for your fitness journey

It’s called a journey for a reason; don’t expect overnight results

2023 is less than two weeks away and without a doubt many of you may have plans to join a gym/fitness centre and embark on some kind of fitness and health journey. I was one of those persons, years ago, who started my journey which has been filled with passion, hard work and dedication.

After years of consistency and dedication, I’ve not only achieved a high level of fitness and gained confidence but I learned how to love my physique and appreciate fitness for the empowerment it has given me. Now, I choose to help empower others and be a role model for anyone trying to lead a healthier and happier life.

I have learned a number of things along the way, so here is some advice for anyone starting their fitness journey.

Take it slow and steady, it’s not a race

Your journey will have ups and downs. You will have bad days, miss a workout or not stick to your meal plan here and there, and that is okay. Progress takes time and requires consistency over the long term, so buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Do what you enjoy

There are so many different ways to exercise and meal plans you can follow. You don’t have to stick to a restrictive diet to reach your goals and it’s important to find something that works for you. Your health and fitness journey may be challenging at times, but it should also be enjoyable, so you can actually stick to it.

Don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s

Comparison is the thief of joy. Ever-yone is different and will progress differently. In the fitness community, there are so many people with lean physiques and it may seem like they live the perfect life. The truth is, you shouldn’t compare yourself to anyone. Why? Because we’re all amazing in our own way. Find that part of you and embrace it instead of trying to be like someone else.

Choose the right supplements

I often get asked what supplements I would recommend for anyone starting out. It can get overwhelming to decide what to include and why, so here are some top recommendations.

Non-stim pre workout

Whenever I train later in the day, I would consume a non-stimulant, pre-workout supplement which has the same benefits of leading pre-workout supplements without the caffeine – perfect for late night trainers or those sensitive to caffeine.

Whey protein

For optimal muscle growth and recovery benefits, whey protein is amazing for post-workout shakes on its own, or can be added into any sweet recipes like pancakes, oats and smoothies. Some whey protein blends can also assist with lean muscle development and weight management. Others also assist with appetite control and digestive enzymes to deliver all the benefits of protein, without the gas, bloating and discomfort.

Branch chain amino acids and/or essential amino acids

Branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) and/or essential amino acids (EAAs) are the perfect intra or post workout drink for optimal performance and recovery benefits. BCAAs and EAAs play an essential role in muscular endurance, recovery and help delay fatigue. In addition, some BCAAs and EAAs supplements contain ingredients to aid with memory, focus and coordination benefits to help crush every gym session.