Another section of Thomas Lands Road slipping

Another section of the Thomas Lands road in the vicinity of the National Park has started to sink.

Months after a section of newly done Thomas Lands road had to be repaired after it began sinking, another segment is experiencing the same problem.

Questions have been raised about the quality of work that was done on the road. The road had been done by Pooran Manman and Sons Contract-ing Services.

Company manager Pooran Manman told Stabroek News  in August this year that a second layer of asphalt was placed on the sections of the road that started to deteriorate.

Manman said that if the 200-metre portion of the road continued to see slippage and additional potholes on either side, then the entire stretch of asphalt would have to be dug up and the road will have to be reconstructed. So far, those repairs appear to have held up.

Given this new slippage, it is unclear what the ministry will now do.

Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill had previously told this newspaper that the company had used a three-tonne roller instead of a ten-ton roller, which was the required standard in order for the asphalt to have maximum compression.