Musings on eating at Christmas

Haitian Griot with the flavour Garlic Pork (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

Merry Christmas Everybody!

What have you been up to so far? When are you reading this? Today, Christmas Day? Or Boxing Day? It matters not. I scratched my head, literally, wondering what to write about this week when I realised that the column will be published on Christmas Day.

As I sit writing this column on Wednesday night (December 21), the Pepperpot is bubbling gently on the stove, reheating. The aroma is travelling from the kitchen to the room I am in. I made the Pepperpot earlier than usual this year, on Saturday last (December 17), knowing that by this time it would be good and ready for eating. The sauce has thickened nicely. The taste is that perfect balance of sweet and savoury. The meats are soft, jiggling gently as the pot bubbles, barely clinging to the bones they surround. I can’t wait for my first taste of Pepperpot for the season, which brings me to my musings on eating at Christmas.