Life still hard despite increased resources – Ramjattan

Khemraj Ramjattan

The Alliance For Change (AFC) is asserting that despite increased resources with millions nestled in the Natural Resource Fund, life is still hard for the majority of Guyanese.

This statement was part of the AFC’s New Year’s message by its leader, Khemraj Ramjattan as he addressed the state of affairs currently in Guyana. He alluded to “some disturbing developments” that will continue into 2023 and which he said must be addressed sooner than later.

He posited that the health of the economy is worrying while pointing a finger at the PPP/C Government. “Having benefitted from the generosity of the 2016 Petroleum Agreement, it was highly anticipated that we would be in a better place today as we enter the New Year. However, with over US$600 million extracted from the Natural Resource Fund, life for the substantial majority of Guyanese remains harsh, broken, and riddled with much socio/economic distress.”