YBG successful despite challenges of sponsorship, facilities

The YBG Youth Academy which has become a staple for the entity in its developmental sphere comprises four divisions which are: Beginners (4-11), Girls (13-18), Intermediate Coed, and Special Select Advance

Youth Basketball Guyana (YBG) Co-Director Chris Bowman, sat down with Stabroek Sport to discuss the major objectives of the organization for 2023, and to highlight the notable accomplishments of the previous year, as well as the challenges and possible solutions faced by the discipline.

Below features the entirety of the interview.

(1) What are the objectives for the entity in 2023?

“We plan to continue to build on the success of the last year, so much of the calendar will be the same. What will be a bit different given the unavailability of the Sports Hall, we’ll have more of our programmes being organised outdoors and decentralized. It will be a challenge given that there aren’t that many options in terms of adequate facilities for basketball, and also we’ll most likely have to contend with the weather.