Unheralded investment in local, regional education brings Dr Gordon Harewood full circle

Dr Gordon Harewood announcing the Guyana CXC results in 2012

By Miranda La Rose

Educational measurement and assessment specialist Dr Gordon Hilton Nicholas ‘Nicky’ Harewood, 70, who has spent his entire working life in the field of secondary education, says most of his teaching stories are positive and interacting with students who challenged him and who now excel, made him grow professionally.

“Those are the things that make teachers feel forever young and energetic. Most teachers, including myself, get a really big vicarious kick from the achievements of our students. We like to say among ourselves, ‘I know so and so. I taught him or her at President’s College or North Georgetown Secondary School (NGSS) or Lilian Dewar College of Education (LDCE),’” Harewood told Stabroek Weekend in an interview from Barbados where he resides.