DHBC apologises for profanity on messaging board

The digital board at the Demerara Harbour Bridge yesterday morning without its daily message

The management of the Demerara Harbour Bridge Corporation (DHBC) has offered apologies to the public  after a profane message was broadcast on the bridge’s digital messaging board on Thursday evening.

Emergency information, retraction schedules, and other important messages are usually displayed on the digital board for the benefit of commuters. 

Members of the public on Thursday last, were greeted with vulgarity on the messaging board. In an interview with Stabroek News yesterday, General Manager of the DHBC, Wayne Watson, stated that he was alerted by the ranks on duty about the profane broadcast. The broadcast, he added, lasted for approximately 10 minutes before technicians disconnected the power from the digital board. An investigation has been launched into the act which he described as a cybercrime.