Cops probing fatal accident on St Cuthbert’s Mission road

Police are investigating a fatal incident in St Cuthbert’s Mission involving hire car HC 2281 owned and driven by Reaul Daniels, a 27-year-old resident of the area, and 54-year-old Paul Daniels of St Cuthbert’s Mission Housing Scheme.

A press release from the Guyana Police Force disclosed that on February 3, at about 21:30 hrs, the car, driven by Reaul Daniels, was proceeding east along St Cuthbert’s Mission Housing Scheme road at a speed of about 15 to 20 KMPH when it allegedly ran over Paul Daniels, who, it was also reported, was lying on the road. The driver drove away but immediately returned to the scene after other occupants in the car informed him that he had run over someone.