GoG not opposed to mediation in IDPADA-G subvention dispute – Nandlall

Vincent Alexander

The Government of Guyana is not opposed to entering into mediation with the International Decade for People of African Descent Assembly-Guyana (IDPADA-G) over its subvention, Attorney General Anil Nandlall yesterday said.

The move for mediation was suggested by acting Chief Justice, Roxane George, during initial court hearings between IDPADA-G and the government. IDPADA-G has now written the Attorney General, formally asking that they meet to iron out an ongoing dispute over the withholding of the subvention for the organization.

At a press conference held yesterday at the IDPADA-G head office on North Road, Chairman of IDPADA-G’s Coordinating Council, Vincent Alexander, said they have made a move to enter into mediation. “The idea is to have dialogue and our objective is to pursue the release of moneys for last year and to ensure that the moneys are released for the rest of the decade,” Alexander said during the press conference.