With family support, ‘Aunty’ turned the corner on her grieving

“I so happy that she doing better, you know. Is like if me aunty come back. Like we didn’t believe how hard it woulda been fuh she when she husband die, but is now like we get to understand.”

Words of a woman whose aunt went through what is believed to be a period of depression about a year after her husband of over 30 years died. They had no children but relatives felt that she would not have rallied on without him. In this space I usually write of experiences that are mostly sad but I am happy to report that this is a feel-good one.

“My aunt and she husband used to do everything together. When you see one, you see the other one. I know they say teeth and tongue does fight and I guess yes they had ups and downs but we never see it. I used to spend a lot of time with them because they had no children and it was always so nice to be with them,” the woman told me.