Guyana “One of the world’s hottest oil plays”…….. Oil and Gas 360

The staging of Guyana’s second ever International Energy Conference has, like its predecessor, attracted a surfeit on international media exposure for the country that departs sharply from the accustomed fare of economic woes and political instability.

Earlier this week, Oil and Gas 360, a high –profile source of news and analysis on oil and energy issues tagged the country’s new oil production sharing agreement (PSA) model for reporting against the backdrop of its February 14-17 International Energy Conference.

Tagging Guyana as “one of the world’s hottest oil plays” an Oil and Gas 360 Report focused the country’s preparation for a new auction and more particularly on what the country’s Vice President, Bharratt Jagdeo had to say about the country’s new Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) model, not least its likely state of readiness for the country’s mid-April auction event.