When work is more than mere employment

“I just needed to go out and work. I don’t know if it is the right thing, because is like I am still working it through. I had to get out of the house. I know some people would say with young children it was not the right thing but for my own sanity I just had to do it.”

In her early thirties with three children, this woman had never been part of the formal workforce, but one day she decided that she had to do something and she went out and got a job. Now weeks later she is still struggling to find the right routine as it is all new territory for her. According to her, the support is not there but she is not giving up. At least not yet.

“I didn’t do that well in school, but I am fairly okay. I can read and do some Maths and so on, so I could help my children. But because of not really getting any subjects I didn’t think about furthering my studies or getting a job. I work, but nothing really big, just here and there,” she told me a few weeks after she started her new job.