What is sweet in the mouth?

In the shady corners of some of Guyana’s restaurants and cafes, there are whispers about rodents intermingling with the food, dirty cooks, and unclean cooking spaces. One must question, how many restaurants are safe in Guyana? Why are some of these establishments not permanently closed when they are found in violation? From the rumours and allegations, even when some of them are made to clean up their establishments, they soon return to their old habits. Why are we Guyanese so unconcerned, that we will not stand as a collective and demand that we can trust the food we buy from these eateries? Whether it be food poisoning or slow death, we continue to support these businesses even when there is evidence that they are in violation of the food safety standards. I suppose the prayers many Guyanese whisper over their food they believe are enough to save them from the dangers of unsafe food.