Burnt remains identified

Danette Pierre

(Trinidad Express) DNA samples from the parents of Ste Madeleine mother Danette Pierre have confirmed that the burnt remains found in a vehicle in Claxton Bay were hers.

Danette’s mother, Donna Pierre, told the Express on Wednesday night that a senior police officer came to her home on Wednesday afternoon with the news of the results of the DNA test.

Donna, 63, said she was shaken and shocked as her gut feeling told her otherwise.

The mother of five said that she would like a second opinion on the DNA testing, but that will be done only if it decided with other family members.

She told the Express in a phone interview, “My gut feeling is that none of this is real. A sargeant from the Ste Madeleine station came today and brought the results home this afternoon. I am thinking to get a second opinion. However, one of my daughters does not think we should pursue that. I am waiting for the other children and Danette’s father to come together and decide what to do. To get a second opinion is an expensive venture so it would have to be a family decision.”

Donna said that she told Danette’s 13-year-old daughter of the results because she had promised her that she would tell her if any news or results came from the police.

“It was not easy, but I made a promise to my grand-daughter, and I told her. I did not want her to get any news from anywhere else”, she said.

On the night of January 28, Danette, 31, was at her apartment with her family in Hibiscus Drive, Petite Morne Settlement, in Ste Madeleine, when she received a phone call around 8.30 p.m.

The last thing she told her mother was she was “making a turn”, before walking out of the apartment.

She left casually dress-ed, holding only a small purse, and did not return home.

That night, her mother dozed off and when she awoke she tried calling Danette around midnight, but there was no response.

A report was made to the neighbouring Ste Madeleine Police Station the next morning.

Donna and Danette’s father, Dave Pierre, submitted tissue samples for DNA testing about three weeks ago.