GNBS earns CEEMS Award for outstanding achievement in Legal Metrology

GNBS Legal Metrology Department, Shailendra Rai (right) receives the CEEMS Award from Minister of Tourism Industry and Commerce Oneidge Walrond (left).

The Guyana National Bureau of Standard (GNBS) has been awarded the International Organisation for Legal Metrology (OIML), CEEMS Award for its outstanding contributions and achievements in Legal Metrology.

In a brief ceremony at the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Minister Oneidge Walrond handed over the award to GNBS Legal Metrology Department head, Shailendra Rai. Minister Walrond explained that the award indicates that Guyana is punching above its weight and that “we are getting the recognition for the hard work the GNBS has taken to develop policies… ” Walrond noted that,” products receive the recognition they deserve based on international standards, and through certification, we compete on the international stage.” GNBS, had previously received the 2022 OIML CEEMS Award.