Guyana/India oil deal nearly sealed

Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo, meeting with Vice President of India, Hon. Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar

As suggested in the Friday March 3 issue of the Stabroek Business, the Governments of Guyana and India would appear to be on the verge of ‘sealing a deal’ that would effectively play a role in calming nerves in the Indian capital, Delhi, over access to oil supplies sufficient to meet the needs of the world’s third largest consumer of oil. The ensuing Russian military hostilities in Ukraine and the use of the country’s vast oil resources as leverage in a conflict in which it has few backers in the international community has meant that India has been casting around in order to ensure its petro security. While recent reports have been suggesting that the Gulf States will remain oil suppliers to India for a long time, Delhi has moved to capitalize on the vast resources of new-kid-on-the-block Guyana, with which country it has had close bilateral ties for more than half a century.