Vrooming to death

Phagwah or Holi is a Hindu religious holiday which signifies the triumph of good over evil. On Phagwah last Tuesday while observing the people wet and colourful, the sound of motorcycles racing through the street set the car alarms off. Young men seated in their arrogance with no helmets on are seen daily in the streets of Guyana. The bloodshed on the roads does not seem to concern them. Reports like the press release last month from the Ministry of Home Affairs about a 100% increase in road fatalities this year compared to last year, they seem to ignore. Sixteen people were killed between January 1st and February 18th this year compared to eight last year. The silly ones who vroom through the streets, with no helmets on perhaps look at such reports and scoff like they have assumed the identities of cats with nine lives or Marvel superheroes.