Former office administrator Jai Kumarie Persaud’s success at farming is shining example to her peers

Jai Kumarie Persaud at State House for International Women’s Day

Growth in small–scale agriculture is two to four times more effective at reducing hunger and poverty than any other sector, and women farmers are playing a central role. Jai Kumarie Persaud, who left business administration to become a farmer, is among those leading the momentum.

Born and raised in Georgetown, the 48-year-old mother of four was one of the featured speakers at a dinner hosted by President and First Lady Irfaan and Arya Ali on International Women’s Day at State House. Her drive, spirit and zeal for success have allowed her to accomplish many goals.

In an interview with this publication, she explained that her husband, Rattan Persaud, was a cane farmer when they met. At that time, she was an office administrator managing three branches for the company where she was employed, which sold office supplies.