Making a little girl’s dream of having her own business come true

Princess Jonique with her stand on the seawall

Today my sister Svetlana Abrams tells the heart-warming journey of supporting her young daughter’s dream of becoming an entrepreneur.

“For almost two years, my daughter, Princess Jonique as she is fondly called, has been talking about becoming an entrepreneur in the hospitality industry. She is only seven but the passion in her voice, whenever she speaks about owning her business, made me one day stop and take notice.

 Fast forward to March, 2023, ‘Fruit City,’ as she coined it, was born, and it has been a short but interesting journey since.

Before I tell you about the journey, I want to say to us parents – listen to your children. They are little human beings with their own thoughts and dreams, and as parents we should breathe life into their aspirations.