Discovering Guyana as Americas newest emerging Petrostate: The earliest beginnings


Let me be clear and categoric at the very inception of today’s column. In no manner or form whatsoever, am I intending to assert at any stage of my presentation that, there is any novelty in my ongoing portrayal cum analysis of Guyana as emblematic of Americas’ newest Petrostate. To reinforce this observation, today’s column is dedicated in large measure, to report on a small sample of treatments of Guyana as a Petrostate during the period covering Guyana’s First Oil Find [May 2015]; its First Oil production [December 2019] and including the subsequent three full years of oil production and export [2020 to 2022].

I have been able to acquire from a straightforward google search a surprising number of references to such information on Guyana that treats it as a Petrostate. For reader’s convenience a sample of these items is shared in Schedule 1 below.