Sometimes all we can do is love our children

“There are times when I ask God what did I do wrong? It is like I tried to do my best and things just kept getting from bad to worse. As a mother I have failed miserably and that for me is the worst possible thing. How you do get back from something like that? I live but every day I am tormented by this fact.”

There was not much I could tell this sister to make her feel better because were I in her position, I would have felt the same way. Maybe a part of me (I didn’t tell her this of course) agreed a little that she ‘failed miserably’. I had to remind myself that she did not have an easy life and was not prepared for motherhood. I mean most of us are not fully prepared, but being a teenage mother is especially difficult.

“I got my daughter young, but I pledged to myself that I would be a good mother and ensure that she grew up well. I struggled and finished school even after I had her because I just didn’t want her to punish; and I knew without an education I couldn’t give her much,”  this sister told me recently.