Essequibo creative welder aiming to burnish his trade in the capital

Baskarran Bhagwandin and his carriage

Across the various sectors of the country’s economy there are skills that appear to have been set aside as other seemingly more lucrative options arise, that trend accelerating even as the advent of the country’s oil and gas industry, with  all that it has to offer, seemingly accelerating that trend.

If the crafting of metal into both things of beauty or objects the possess a greater utilitarian sense of value has not been known to significantly transform the material fortunes of more than a handful of those that have ventured into the metal work trade, there are those who have extracted an alternative aesthetic compensation from practicing the pursuit. Baskarran Bhagwandin is one such person though, these days, he has had little choice but to pay enhanced attention to how his craft can bring him a greater measure of material gain.