It’s a balancing act – salting composed dishes

The dough for these Georgian Flatbreads has hints of sweetness to balance the savoury filling – ham, egg, cheese (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

The other day, in preparation for a meal, I assembled some things on my plate that I did not cook, deliberately to be eaten together. On my plate were sauteed (fried) okra with coconut, roast chicken and tostones (twice fried green plantains). These were dishes available and I thought I’d have them together. While they worked as a balanced meal of starch, protein and vegetable, they missed the mark in taste, because combined, they tasted a little too salty for my liking. I couldn’t really taste the flavour of anything as I ate and did not enjoy my meal. On their own, each dish was properly seasoned but together, especially given that I did not cook them to be eaten as a composed dish, the seasoning (salt) was off-putting.

Has that ever happened to you with combinations of things you make to be eaten together?