Recollections, Cuffy, and Denis Williams

Denis Williams with the Statue of Cuffy for the 1763 Monument at Morris Singer Foundry, London, 1973 (Photographer unknown; photo courtesy of Arlington Weithers)

On January 31 this year, diaspora Guyanese artist Dudley Charles (b. 1945) telephoned me, being aware of my interest in learning about the personality that was Denis Williams (1923 – 1998). By this time, Williams’s name was popping up in our conversations at random points during the previous months and I often found myself saying something to the effect:  “That was really good for my notes!”

This time Charles spoke slowly with perplexity characterising his tone: “You know? Denis’s birth centenary is tomorrow.” Needless to say, I was surprised. I asked him to repeat, thinking I had misheard him. I asked whether he was absolutely sure. How could this be? I had heard nothing from the institutions Williams founded and this was Charles’ worry. “Yes,” he said and explained how the memory came to him. Indeed, when I checked, had Williams not transitioned to be with the ancestors on June 28, 1998, he would have been 100 years old on February 1, 2023.