Back to basics – Homemade Fruit Drinks

The August holidays will soon be upon us. It’s vacation time for those attending various educational institutions, and if you are of a certain age, you will recall the August holidays being rife with outdoor activities – climbing trees, picking fruits and eating them to our heart’s content, playing gam (marbles), hopscotch, and running our own Olympic-style races. In between all of these activities, gallivanting, and working up a sweat, we’d pop home, or to our friends’ home, or some auntie-neighbour house and slake our thirst with a tasty homemade fruit drink from the bounty of the season.

Getting back to basics by making homemade fruit drinks, allows us to do a number of things: control the amount of sugar consumed; save some money from the increased taxes on soft drinks; and provide some nutrients through the use of the variety and bounty we are privileged to have in these parts.