Taking Guyana’s small business community places

Interview  with GCCI President Kester Hutson

GCCI President Kester Hutson speaks with the Stabroek Business

Stabroek Business: Does this event this early in your presidency provide an indication that the GCCI will now be paying more attention to the promotion of small businesses, going forward?

Kester Hutson: Yes. And this is sound because of the level of onboarding of micro, small and “medium size” businesses into our membership. Currently, we have 825 members, about 73% of which are micro, medium and small entrepreneurs. We recognize that we have to create an incubator for them to ensure that they are familiar with how to do business and to ensure that they stay relevant and develop in the individual sectors.

Stabroek Business:   Is the initiative a countrywide or just coastal, and are the various ‘Chapters’ of the Chamber sufficiently well-structured to ‘deliver’ at the level of the various regions?