Bakes for Dinner

Bakes & Fried Fish (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

What’s for dinner? I imagine that since it’s Sunday, you are likely having leftovers from the big meal earlier in the day. However, ‘what’s for dinner’ is a question frequently asked during the week. And since one of the most comforting and cherished things in our cuisine is Bakes (of many forms). It screams dinner! Think about it.

Bakes, regardless of whatever type you are making, get people excited. This is a Love Letter to Bakes. It is the type of food that screams nostalgia. It is a food that people like to eat with specific accompaniments, and drink with particular hot beverages. While Bakes are made for breakfast, it is the making and eating of Bakes at dinner that they seem to fit best. Whether you are making Drop bakes, Float bakes, Pot bakes, School Girl bakes or any of the other many types of Bakes found in our cuisine, they round off that final major meal of the day in a way that comforts and soothes the stress of the day. Think about it.