Guyana’s breakthrough opportunity: The opening and the vision

Caricom Heads of Government and other officials at the opening ceremony for the country’s 2023 oil and gas conference

With oil and gas related entrepreneurial opportunities having fixed world class business breakthroughs in the minds of the bigger players in the Guyana economy, the recent announcement by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) of its week-long Small Business Week, commencing on Saturday May 29th serves as a timely reminder to the local business community that profitable business does stop at pursuits directly linked to the energy sector.

When, in May 2015, the announcement that the Liza-1 had become the first significant oil find, offshore Guyana, the disclosure had had the effect of lifting the spirits of the country’s business sector as a whole. On the one hand there were economic opportunities deriving from potential foreign/local (Local Content) partnerships arising out of the various entrepreneurial pursuits that the country’s oil and gas find had opened up.