Removal of sand at 58 Village causes outrage, worry about all-weather road

The side of the road from where sand has been dug up

The removal of sand at Number 58 Village, Corentyne has caused outrage and worry that the all-weather road at the location can be damaged, and Gobin Harbhajan, a community activist in the area has raised the issue with several agencies. 

Around five contractors have been excavating sand purchased from owners of transported land on both sides of the all-weather road to supply the developmental projects currently ongoing at Palmyra, Corentyne.

However, Harbhajan, yesterday stated that he had raised the issue first with the Number 52/63 Neighbourhood Democratic Council and also contacted several ministers on the matter, as according to him, “contractors digging both sides of the road must follow the rules and regulations for approval to be given by the NDC, Geology and Mines Commission, EPA, and Lands and Survey before they can do work like that.”