Hussain unanimously elected Guyana Golf Association President

Aleem Hussain (middle) was unanimously elected President of the Guyana Golf Association (GGA) when the body held its revised Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday as guided by the rules of the Guyana Olympic Association

Aleem Hussain was unanimously elected President of the Guyana Golf Association (GGA) when the body held its revised Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday evening as guided by the rules of the Guyana Olympic Association. After opening prayers at the Scout’s Association Ground by Bishop Guy Griffith, Executive Vice President Vic Oditt welcomed the members, all of whom were present in person and virtually.

This was followed by the Treasurer’s Report which was unanimously adopted.

With no motions to address, the election of office bearers for Period 2023-2024 was called as the next business. Mayo Robertson Esq., of the Robertson Law Firm was nominated and appointed to serve as the Returning Officer. Having established that a quorum was met with all members present and having duly been notified as per the by-laws of the Association, Robertson called for nominations for the various posts and carefully followed procedures to declare the outcomes.